harry potter king of werewolves fanfiction. === October 25, 1996 ===. harry potter king of werewolves fanfiction

 === October 25, 1996 ===harry potter king of werewolves fanfiction  To Harry Potter! May his years be filled with laughter and love!" Remus and Harold held up their glasses

"Good," Jon said. Entering the common room, Harry was met with a peculiar sight. She is a werewolf", Harry says. Rowling. Harry Potter and the the Hogwarts Harem. After that fateful Halloween, Dumbledore left baby Harry on the Dursley's doorstep. , Hermione G. The palms were wrapped in grey bandages. Everybody had looked uncomfortable at that announcement, all knowing that with a vampire it could mean many things. Running through the wood one night Harry is confronted by Fenrir god of the hunt, though luck and circumstance he succeeded in killing the god claiming the title of God Slayer, Devil King and Campione! Alpha of Alphas Chapter 1: The Attack, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction. Ollivander comes around a shelf, starts to say, before the whole shop seems to creek and groan. Harry Potter, born into a rich and noble house spent his entire life shunned for being less than his younger sister Gloria 'Glory' Potter, the girlwholived. Somehow, this ends up being both the best and worst thing ever to happen to him. - Chapters: 38 - Words: 166,770 - Reviews. Who knew that a single summer was all it would take to turn Harry into one of the most dangerous contenders in the war. Two strange, skeletal horses lay circled around the gem nose to tail, wings tucked against their backs. Rowling. A Crown of Black Upon His Head By: While one Black chose vengeance, another Black sought the means to defy Destiny. Genre: Adventure/Romance. 6 days, 9 hours after the start of Harry's trial Muggle London, near Charing Cross Road. 831 Stories. By: WitchSorceress49. A full wolf who was growling at him, fangs bared. Her eyes were still on the changing stage. A man who I could only assume as being Mr. Sirius and James took half a pace backwards, but managed to maintain their ground. Born from a werewolf and a vampire and destined to bring down the Dark Lord once again, only the twins have different plans in store for the wizarding world with aid from their mother, I don't own Harry Potter, first HP fic in a long time, please be nice, likely to contain twincest and attempted harem Hybrid!Harry, Grey, possibly Dark!Harry, don't like don't read. Then events change their lives going into Fourth Year. The hairy wolf fell to the ground and made no noise or sound. Percy was born of a tragic event and abandon with nobody but his best friend snow. The Black King of Kuoh By: AslanLionHeart310. Ginny doesn't like that. A quiet night after the Chamber of Secrets changes Harry's and Ginny's relationship, mysterious new characters arrive, and a shadowy force strives to bring chaos to the world. "But Sirius already died," Harry said, "He fell through the veil. The searing pain in his side was the last thing he remembered before his mind went blank. K. Chapter 1. He didn't die, he eventually just had enough and moved on to the next world. He was a light brown color with white and black spots all over him, ranging in size from tiny to large. Between Molly and Ginny giving his love potions to Ron and Hermione being paid money from HIS vault. He remembers what happened last night but does not know why it happened. She sat the book beside her on the floor. Romance Wolves Werewolf Mate Beta Alpha Rejected Unwanted. "Harry you had to sacrifice yourself. It allows the transformed to become a true child of the moon and become the packmaster of all werewolves. Harry Potter resolves to destroy the enemies who betrayed him on his terms, only to find all his plans torn asunder when he's summoned to a new world plagued with the same enemies of his own. 10 Werewolf Harry Potter Fanfictions with Lots of Plot 1. Series. Potter nodded. After being Bitten by the Basilisk in his second year at Hogwarts unbeknownst to Harry the basilisk had gifted him as the infusion of a phoenix's tears caused a chain reaction. The wizarding war had ended almost five months ago and the Funerals had finished only a week ago, Harry had not gotten back together with Ginny Weasley because she was so insistent that Harry was hers and that they were going to get married. Lupin's head was lengthening. She was scary because you never really knew what she wanted. When Harry left the Dursley's after blowing up his aunt he didn't imagine how his life would change. To be enjoyed in whatever manner the vampire wanted for one night. Harry is a five year old abused boy who lives with his relatives, until one day a big black dog and a brown wolf enter his uncle's house changing his life forever. When he learns the truth, in his first year, about what. When Harry met Daphne by anorc reviews. Rating: T or as some like to say, PG-13. K. He reared back and snapped his jaw closed in a crushing blow around Fenir's neck. Equal, if not more, to wizards and witches. The King Who Conquered. Werewolf!Harry After the end of the war, Harry disappears. Ethan sat in Harry's bed with him, sharing the chocolate that he had been given and sending worried glances. When the werewolf's saliva mingles. Pack of Wolves By: sinnercharly. This is volume 1. It was not a rather good look, considering the prominence of scars upon the ex-Auror's face. , Harry P. By:. Hopefully with his courtships he can find stability in his life and maybe finally figure out how this king thing works. . Follow/Fav Wizards and Werewolves. Harry Potter and the King of the Amazons. and headed for King's Cross Station, to pick up the boy they really needed to apologize to. Much of this chapter is adapted from "The Phoenix Lament" in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. " Harry's heart sank. No Horcruxes. Frowning, Dumbledore tucked his new wand into his left sleeve, his first wand tucked away in the right one. Follow Harry as he goes to school, makes friends and falls in love while training to face the most powerful Dark Lord alive. by Matthew W. P. As he laid there, four people emerged from the shadows and sneered down at the unconscious boy. Demon_Librarian is writing for Draco Malfoy and bat_magic is writing for Harry Potter. Chapter 82: Werewolves of London. Harry woke to the soft cries of Nightshade who wanted food. Pain shot through the boy as the teeth crushed his ankle like a paper cup. Follow/Fav Children of the Moon. Ron finds that he is the mate of Lucuis but his family is not willing to allow them to be together. Chapter 1 – End of a soul. "Remus, please, Malfoy… Voldemort is seriously hurting him,". Shortly after that Hermione learns she's a Veela. He would no longer be a footnote in his sister. He united the magical and muggle world together. No Competition By: Evilgoddss. ( With Fleur) She ran and ran with tears in her eyes heading back to the carriage as before she could get inside a voice stopped her. " Harry said, then waited for his father's friend. Hey guys, I'm back. Sirius nodded and pulled Harry into a rough hug, then pushed him gently. Now that he's the King of Albion Harry has a lot on his plate. Perseus Lord of Wolves by Strawberrythunder. The Gryffindors are tired to be bullied just because Harry had been entered into the Tournament by someone else and that the Gryffindors are supporting him. In a blink of an eye Harry dived and took hold of his Firebolt's shaft while an arrow thundered over his head and struck the arena wall. Silver Wolf by Vingilot reviews. Being a werewolf that would defend “his” cub to the death and stronger than a normal man with vicious reflexes was just the icing on the cake as far as Gawain was concerned. When he arrives at Hogwarts for the Tri-Wizard Tournament 13 years later, everything changes and the battle for the magical world of Britain begins. " Harry chuckled, "Trust me he is without a doubt gay. You can go back and defeat Tom now. Harry nodded to the elves and Dobby grinned in reply, then they snapped their fingers and vanished from sight. Grey not Dark HarryxHarem. Chapter 33. Rating just to be safe for minor violence. AU: Remus ends up in Camelot after the full moon. K. Harry Potter and the King of the Amazons. -Dumbledore-. But now, the legacy. bat_magic and I are co-authoring this project. He also finds how Manipulative Dumbledore and the Weasley's are. " she sobbed now turning her sad sapphire eyes at his green emerald eyes. Found by the widowed Andromeda Tonks and her daughter, they take Harry in and teach him about magic, among other things. I hope to try and walk in his huge footsteps. He was going to have to practice. " Betrayal, dark ambition, and schemes that Harry wants no part of force Harry to flee to France, where he may meet the one person who can save him from his problems in England, and himself. Will Hermione still be of some help to the war and get back to her friends or will she find something that is. The baby started to cry and a note was left with him. "The wards are coming down, I'll hold them off for as long as I can!" There was a crack as two figures appeared at either side of the Longbottom Lord and if he hadn't had the full confidence in the wards only letting friends through, he would have cursed them into. Dabog grinned at the answer, despite only his neck and head being left. I had been just as quick, the instant he crouched to pounce whatever trance had held me rooted to the spot broke and I darted under the table behind me. Strong-Powerful-Shinobi Wizard Harry, Strong-Naruto, no pairings as of yet. A World Not Worth Fighting For- By Harry James Potter (Ex-Boy-Who Lived) Albus, eyes stopped twinkling from the shock, realizing what he was reading. Read and let me know what you think. Harry had just finished 2nd yr and his plans for the summer changed when he finds himself alone near Whitchuch. Fenrir Greyback trudged through his camp, lost in his thoughts, but ever aware of his surroundings. At age ten, Harry disappeared. Lacey. Written for the QLFC. He glanced at the white ceiling and the empty beds and groaned. Harry learns about his inheritance and becomes King of Magical Britain. " Hermione took in a breath and nodded her head, "Right, its just I thought he wanted me as a mate since I was a female werewolf and those are rare. "For those of you who don't know, by the way, said friends were one James Potter and Sirius Black. The woman on the stand didn't even twitch a muscle in surprise and then broke into a thunderous cheer. The concept of werewolves dying from their transformations came from. Harry muttered to himself, taking the odd, pitch black ring with a moonstone mounted on it. Harry resorts to the resurrection stone to get a 'witness' to the. It was no accident. He ran into his room, slammed the door shut and lent against it gasping for breath. It was not a rather good look, considering the prominence of scars upon the ex-Auror's face. Edited on 15th of October 2018. Harry ends up in Beacon Hills, CA after completing his OWLs. An AU fourth Champion. In fact, the house tables seemed nearly empty, with half of their occupants missing. Harry Potter, master of death, opened his eyes. Chapter 2: Bonds and Contracts. Laughs loudly as she too curves over nearly retching, fingers still in the mud, silent and suddenly breathless in the pain, Dudley laughs. Rowling and associates own these characters. I'm Lily Evans. On his way home he is attacked and turned by a vampire. It had been a few weeks after the defeat of Lord Voldemort,. Chapter 7: Fangs and Blood. The one that Saskia Snape is looking for now is the face of the full moon. Harry turns to face Jon and gets his sword ready again. Then he disappeared, it was an hour later and a young man was walking down the street minding his own business. S. With that thought in mind she took off running for the Professor's office. Takes place after DH but ignores the epilogue. The werewolf before them simply crouched lower to the ground ready to strike before letting out a blood curing growl. Instead, I’ve compiled a list of popular fics that focus on the changes lycanthropy has on Harry’s life (romantic and otherwise). Harry Potter and the Phoenix's Wolf by Darth Taegous reviews. , Sirius B. Not fun for dementors, professors and love potions. A yellow flash shot from Harry's hand and hit Vernon's arm, causing a loud crunch to echo out in the quiet hallway. . But, his wish will never be granted he was forever trapped, stuck at the age of 18 for all eternity. Harry could hardly focus on the betrayal that Dumbledore had inflicted on him with the wailing baby under the seat. Privet Drive was every bit your normal looking suburban neighborhood; well-kept lawns, nice cars in every drive, even a crazy cat lady. Today they looked to be silver with small flecks of black. She was Hermione Granger - as if she'd do anything this insane without the proper research and reference charts. Ever since Hermione's lips were tight around his cock, Remus had wanted nothing more than to take her apart. Dumbledore would be accepting Harry to school as a werewolf. He also finds how Manipulative Dumbledore and the Weasley's are. 43 pages Completed June 1, 2017 Hayboo2017. At the sound of someone clearing their throat they looked over at the entrance where there was a weary looking man with a great black dog. Three: Harry is King. Sometimes being as powerful as he was tended to be a pain in the ass. After a fight for his soul, the death dimension eventually spits him and Voldemort out into an unknown realm. Pairing: Fenrir Greyback/Harry Potter. Second, this story will contain Harem elements. Twisted Fate By: moonfeather58. Now armed with a new power and inclined to make more friends of the female nature. It was the last thing Pettigrew ever said. First year it was his plan to date every girl in their year. She slipped, fell to the floor, and the werewolf rose up behind her and bit into her leg. So, yes, Hermione is Queen, titled 'Princess of Gryffindor. The story of the "missing" nineteen years, staying true to the details disclosed by J. He stepped up onto the stone and grasped Excalibur using both hands. , Fleur D. Obviously you've already met Remus. Chapter 9 – The New King. Harry Potter struggles to become a good DADA teacher, but it’s hard when a large portion of his mind is commandeered by four familiar Marauders. Following a disastrous battle in the Death Chamber, a grief-stricken and berserk Harry tackles Voldemort into the Veil of Death. Forging Destiny By: White Angel of Auralon. The werewolf. Running through the wood one night Harry is confronted by Fenrir god of the hunt, though luck and circumstance he succeeded in killing the god claiming the title of God Slayer, Devil King and Campione! Rated: Fiction T - English - Chapters: 2 - Words: 6,117 - Reviews: 70 - Favs: 583 - Follows: 645. Harry's not a fan of Nym's fans and unwinds by decimating some zombies with his Wolf. No More Games By: VagueJester. Mr. Percy was born of a tragic event and abandon with nobody but his best friend snow. AU. Harry and Hermione's summer is the same as usual: Isolation from the magical world. net | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 13 | Words: 32,994 | Reviews: 9 | Favs: 46 | Follows: 63 | Updated: 2/28 | Published: 6/23/2018 | id:. Imperceptibly, the animal had moved Harry away from the. "Go away now. A squeak of horror captured James's attention and his brown eyes met with the pale, horrified face of his once best friend. The statue measured three meters high and was made of a metal alloy, with a large flying crystal in the center. Since he was about four, Tom always visited. Follow/Fav Werewolves at Hogwarts. Now under the control of Tom Riddle, she is trying to kill the boy named Harry Potter, she wishes she could use her eyes but because of that damn Phoenix, she is blind but could still hear where. Even knowing the man was a Muggle the boys were terrified. "I would like to propose a toast. 2) Aconite. Bill Weasley is on the hunt for Fenrir Greyback. Slytherin Percy Jackson. Voldemort has taken over and Harry is needed now more than ever to fight the growing evil. . When he opened them again, he was surprised to find himself in. Harry saw that Sirius was overjoyed as the former Marauder, Harry and Hermione walked the streets of Muggle London, seeking out a Chinese restaurant. Harry and Hermione's summer is the same as usual: Isolation from the magical world. I just put Teddy down. Disclaimer: Ain't mine and never will be, sadly. So enjoy! Chapter one- Discoveries and Friends. After receiving life changing news from Bill, Fleur is left heartbroken&Harry has a revelation about Ginny&the other Weasleys. Chapter One: Hannah Abbott. Harry and Hermione return to England after their holiday-that-went-wrong in Ne. The Fifth Hogwarts House By: LordCroussette. This story isn’t focused on Edward and Bella, though. Picking up the wand from her bedside table, pocketing it, and replacing it with a slip of paper, the Slytherin grabbed the sleeping girl's hand and disapparated from the Burrow. His research determined that part of it would have to be similar to the preparation of the Wolfsbane potion. Forget the Dark Lord. She snorted. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its associated characters: all rights belong to JK Rowling. A Werewolf and a Veela Walk Into a Pub by Ares. Harry Potter burst through the fire place as that moment, putting protective charms and anti-appration wards back in place as Ron Weasley and other Aurors started coming through. It was for the good of the Wizarding World. The concept of werewolves dying from their transformations came from. Follow/Fav Of Werewolves, Trains, and Teachers. Arthur and Molly and the kids, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron and Ginny, Ron is the same age as you and Ginny a year younger. By: Captain Voxland. The death of Sirius Black has a much more profound effect on Harry, resulting in him taking his training seriously in preparation for the war to come. If there is sufficient interest and demand, there may be a volume 2. How will Hogwarts react to a savior who is both light and dark?Disclaimer- I do not own Harry potter, this is property of J. Not for water, but for something more… substantial. The rat was still alive. Eddard wasn’t best pleased that his best teacher was whisked away after only a year. — H. He stared down at the latest issue of the daily prophet with thinly veiled disgust The newest headline read 'The Boy Who Lies' Dumbledore wished the prophet would leave the young boy alone he. " I said decisively, Lucius nodding in agreement. So beware enemies of the North, for the Alpha Wolf has arrived, the North never forgets, and Winter is inevitable. That all changed when she had an encounter with a handsome man on a train ride. It's so silent here in the morning, no one in the corridors or in class. The duelling teacher was a Goblin, Ragnuk the tenth, who was related to Ragnok, the leader of Gringotts and Goblin King. Harry Potter lived at No. ~MM~ Chapter 7 Summary: Harry and Nymphadora take a bath before heading out to hang out with some of Nym's friends from Hogwarts. The moon has many faces. The woman on the stand didn't even twitch a muscle in surprise and then broke into a thunderous cheer. M Multi ships, violence, and other Rated: Fiction M - English - [Harry P. An ample amount of time to commit murder if one had a strict schedule, the correct notes and the help. Harry finds humanity, Snape finds a brother, and Lucius finds a mate. ] - Chapters: 7 - Words: 26,913 -. Slash and het. In a blink of an eye Harry dived and took hold of his Firebolt's shaft while an arrow thundered over his head and struck the arena wall. Then it clicked. Meeting a man who can bring light to the past, Harry discovers secrets kept from him his whole life. JKR has those. His royal title is the 'Prince of Gryffindor'. I'm sure, a lot of you are surprised to see me write in this Newspaper, when it's a known fact that the Daily Prophet loves to slander me, and has reaped the rewards, without. When Vernon tells Harry to get out, Harry complies. Lupin would never find out about how Snape treated Potter in class. Fortunately for baby Harry, he is found by someone else before Dumbledore could bring him back. Chapter 1: A Bite of the Basilisk. Rating: R Warnings: Torture, violence, profanity, insanity, character death (not Harry or Draco), creature!fic (werewolf!Harry). When James and Lily see the color of Harry's eyes, there is some confusion by both. It had taken five bloody hours for the damn paintings in his office to wake up and go find help. K. b. Scratching, whimpering, howling, yipping, growling…they went on for hours and hours, leaving Harry sleep deprived and shaking with tears dried to his face. Stare of the Basilisk King By: Zero Arashi Uchiha. But where Lily's fury burned hot, the Evans father burned cold. Fenrir smiled grimly. Albus almost shuddered at how painful, humiliating and hopeless that death would have been. Completed. something wild and untamed and is headed to Hogwarts for his first year. K. It had taken five bloody hours for the damn paintings in his office to wake up and go find help. " The class definitely heard the note of smugness in his voice at that and joined in with the hilarity. " I said angrily as tears run down my cheeks. But, his wish will never be granted he was forever trapped, stuck at the age of 18 for all eternity. In the search for paradise. He trusted Tom, ever since he was a small child. Fenrir Greyback (fl. Daisy was in a very foul mood indeed when she made her way to King's Cross. As they grow closer, more changes take place all around them&in their lives. Follow/Fav Warlock, king and the werewolf. Summary: Hogwarts is alive. His heart stopped as well when amber-blue eyes met his amber-green. *Harry must still attend Hogwarts and complete in the tournament. At once Harry visibly relaxed, as he did his aura disappeared. Wizarding Royalty (Harry Potter) During the fourth year of his school year, he was forced to participate in a deadly tournament while trying his hardest not to shape. But also contain other creatures. Narcissa's face fell, his name spilling from her lips in a hushed tone of shock. In the last war the seven clans of the British Isles had remained stubbornly neutral. No matter what, the Civilian Council would not stop Naruto. By: YinTheMoonGoddess. Pairings: None; gen Warnings: Angst, mentions of past violence, AU Rating: PG-13 Summary: Harry doesn't get to have the idealistic image of his father's youth for long. Harry turned and gripped Sirius' shoulder, grinning at him. Chapter 33. "Yea. The Luna Witch and Her Major It isn’t surprising that the top fanfiction in this list is a Twilight crossover. Harry Potter The Werewolf Of Hogwarts . Rated T to be safe. Harry hated the curse that is his Immortal Life. They had four toes on each foot, had a taste for the flesh of human children, and possessed rudimentary magic, similar to that of a troll. Chapter 1- The Unexpected Inheritance. Harry looked close to tears by the time James stepped up. The Headmaster went over to a large ornate desk and sat behind it. No longer holding a grudge, he seeks to shape Harry into the greatest wizard of all time, starting on the day Hagrid took Harry to Diagon Alley. I make no money for this piece. Dursleys had treated him inhumanly since he had been left by Dumbledore at their doorstep on that fateful night the Potters were killed. He knew he would be in trouble, but he never expected to be thrown out. "See you in August, then," he said. A Lonely Path by la baguette reviews. Harry waved at the blond boy who waved back, smiling happily. Ginny Weasley Remus Lupin Albus Dumbledore Were-Creatures Creature Inheritance Mythical Beings & Creatures Wolf Instincts Hogwarts Third Year the tags are spoilers. “The next to compete in the Final is Hadrian Black and Alexei Volkov. Rape/Non-con Elements, Dubious Consent, Forced Pregnancy, Wolf Sex, Descriptions of Violence and DRAMIONE. HarryxHarem. "Harry Potter," the boy answered quietly as his vision began to darken. Teen Wolf belongs to MTV, and was created by Jeff Davis. Poor Harry, he's going to feel so alone. "It's his punishment. Harry was humming with satisfaction, which made his companions curious. They made their way back to the colony with the centaurs, and the moon was still shining bright when they finally made it back to their tent. Of course it helps that Harry has his trusty. Hphphp. " "But that is were my power comes in," Kali said, stepping forward, " I, Kali, Goddess of Time grant one Harry James Potter passage through time. ~On Hogwarts Express~ Harry had gone to use the restroom, and was on his way to his compartment, when he heard Ron and Ginny talking to him. King of Kings, Ruling Over Rulers DarthImperius. The long arms shrunk from their elongated awkward form and went from clawed hands to human fingers that he ran down his face. Minerva decided to move in next door to him. His soul, the last bastion, forged in the furnaces of war. The magical world, while interesting, was not to be messed with and very dangerous for any vampire. Action Adventure Fanfiction. The Wolf Lord Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction. " Fenrir just wolfishly grinned as they finally arrived at the Chinese restaurant. Soon, loyalties are tested as. This had earned him some snide remarks from Sirius about being. "Go away now. Harry Potter, age 7, was running. Harry's parents were in the kitchen and looked at the two curiously. They turn to each other for comfort&healing. Harry grabbed her milk off his night stand with a quick glance at his alarm clock. " Snape tells him, it was the last thing he wanted to do is forced these two together, it like milk and orange juice. M/M Multi Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. The morning sunrise's light, which made the windows of the tower sparkle brilliantly, is casting a glittering light across the floor, reflecting the red color of the beds. There is so much incest via Sirius, Regulus, and Harry - Regulus is Harry's biological father, alongside James, but James died in 1981 as normal. " she sobbed now turning her sad sapphire eyes at his green emerald eyes. "We can hear through warded doors. Summary After the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry Potter decided to travel the world. What doesn't change is the impending danger unknowingly. There was a terrible snarling noise. "And he is, Remus. The list goes on, deciding to be punk, cutting his hair drastically short, growing it out unacceptably long, etc. Completed. The novels chronicle the lives of a young wizard, Harry Potter, and his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, all of whom are. Wolf calls and blackmarks haunt England and in the protected walls of Hogwarts. K. Only one Wizard child in the neighborhood. Bein' a werewolf isn't an easy life.